Monday, May 10, 2010

CaN YoU GiVE mE HopE..????

i DID really BAD in MUET today!!!Speaking..???I spoke like an idiot!!even mama said she didn't see any smile or 'Nur' from me...wawawawa...i guess that this time is worse compared to previous 1...i need to prepare another RM60 for my third MUET...huhu...
Chronology of MUET in my life :
1)only took the speaking test because of flood...huhu...
2)sat for all the papers just considering of taking another 1 since i did bad...huhu...

Moral : dont know what the moral is...='(


  1. biasa lah tu, nanti ada peluang ambik lain buat la betul2 :)

  2. agak seganla..hehe...whatever it is...tuntutla ilmu sehingga ke liang lahad...
